Creating a New Standard for Responder Wellness
Versaterm solutions proactively support agency wellness programs by surfacing personnel who are struggling and connecting them to the right sources. Versaterm EIPro offers an advanced, real-time peer group analysis engine. The Versaterm Mindbase platform empowers leaders to proactively detect personnel needs while preserving confidentiality by leveraging real-time data – connecting responders to personalized support.
Enhance the Support You Provide to Your Personnel
Your agency has a wellness program and wants to increase engagement or scale up. It’s time to consider a technology solution that works with you on what you want to achieve. Let us help you continue to grow a positive and supportive work environment centered around proactive wellness. We’re ready to discuss your options.

Early Identification
Enable frontline supervisors to identify, monitor and support staff with a visual, dashboard-based application.
Advanced Statistical and Detail Reporting
Apply a wide range of filters and settings to ensure that supervisors can spot agency-set thresholds.
Case Management
Access information whenever required on a wide variety of digital platforms.
Automated Correspondence and Forms
Save time with pre-configured templates of standard forms and letters using 150+ data elements.
Data-Informed Resilience
Apply a wide range of filters and settings to ensure that supervisors can spot agency-set thresholds.
Confidential Tools
Provide beneficial resources to first responders in a completely anonymous manner with secured roles and permissions assigned by site administrators.
Advanced Monitoring
Track and manage your effectiveness as a peer team and provide the right support at the right time to your peers.