As priorities continue to change for police and public safety agencies, so does the technology that supports them. It was wonderful to be back in person for the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Exposition (IACP 2022) after a hiatus. The exhibit hall was the largest yet with over 650 industry partner vendors.
Our booth was busy as people stopped by for a coffee or smoothie and to speak with our experts about challenges that agencies and professionals were trying to address. There were some common themes in these discussions around the need for fostering better connections with citizens and communities, improving efficiencies for greater outcomes, and creating purposeful integrations across systems.
Community Engagement
There has been great interest in community engagement capabilities over the past few years and during the event. Perceptions of policing continue to face challenges amongst public opinions. At the same time, private sector companies are continuing to innovate and increase customer service expectations. The way that people engage with the world is increasingly mobile first. As of February 2021, according to Pew Research Center, 85% of adults in the United States owned a smartphone. These devices have continued to shift how people communicate with each other along with social media.
Considering these factors, agencies want to increase the frequency and transparency of their communications with citizens. SPIDR Tech offers the ability to improve outreach via automated email and text while reducing the workload on call centers and detectives. Timely updates and request for feedback provide better customer service by answering “what happens next?” after making a 9-1-1 or non-emergency call.
Efficiency & Productivity
Companies are always seeking greater efficiencies to improve productivity and output without adding to employees’ workloads. It is no different for public safety agencies. Law enforcement and other first responders also want to use technology for streamlining workflows and making information readily available that produce more effective outcomes.
“Better visibility and insights into data continue to be hot topics. How can agencies and court systems easily get access to and share this information to solve crimes faster and more justly? Through integrated systems that capture various types of data while allowing for quick retrieval,” notes Galloway-Dawkins, Vice President of Product for Versaterm Public Safety. “This information also drives improvement by providing a clearer view into the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.”
Additionally, our team had conversations about adding or upgrading mobile options. Patrol officers, detectives and other professionals spend a lot of time away from their desks and vehicles. Without the resources of their computers and MDTs, they could have reduced visibility into a situation. Mobile applications help first responders stay connected to mission-critical information including dispatch and complete tasks more efficiently, such as scanning license plates. This anywhere anytime access while in the field also helps keep personnel safe through greater situational awareness.
At Versaterm Public Safety, we build for users being mobile, not specifically mobile solutions. Our goal is to support the user as they move through their workflows. These solutions provide the tools and information required when needed based on the user’s job function and environment. This continuity or seamless transition creates efficiency by reducing task steps (redundancies), data silos and dead end workflows where work began in one place yet can’t easily continue in another environment such as user mobility dictates. The result is simply an extension of the systems you already have so you can get the job done effectively without thinking about which software you need to access.
Public Safety Ecosystem
Being more efficient and effective leads us to our third topic which is focused on the story about how Versaterm Public Safety is building an ecosystem using a selective strategy focused on improving customer and user outcomes. The recent acquisitions, including FivePoint Solutions the week before IACP2022, and how the different solutions fit together resonated with current clients and new connections. There is a greater value gained from having access to software for managing five minutes before, during and five minutes after an incident paired with the Versaterm Public Safety dedication to customer service. The ecosystem reduces the risk of integration issues happening and responsive support when something does go awry.
Through our years of participation in the IACP Conference and 40+ years in the public safety industry, we have seen the slow shift from analog systems to digital to find efficiencies. This transition inspires us to continue designing solutions, such as our cloud-based CAD, and expanding our reach/impact, for a portfolio that solves modern public safety challenges and the complex workflows from community to case closure. We’re excited to help advance the future of law enforcement technology and their success. Start your conversation with us today.